Hope of New Beginnings

 I have always believed that closing another chapter can be such a blessing because it only means opening new opportunities and possibilities in our lives. Last year was indeed a roller coaster of emotions. I felt genuine happiness, achieved some of my goals, explored new places, met new people, tried new activities and most of all, learned my lessons, not only in school but in all aspects of my life. I can say that it wasn't the easiest one to handle but I'm glad that all things happened because I really gained a lot of knowledge from those experiences. 

 Despite the happiness I have felt, I was also heartbroken, devastated, frustrated and also failed. But those didn't stop me from surviving, from rising amidst the big waves of life. And now, as 2025 enters, I am looking forward to achieve more of my objectives, make myself more proud, be mature enough to handle things and enjoy every process. Because if I am being honest, I am on my survival mode every single day and it's sooo exhausting. So this new year, I want to take everything slowly, just go with the flow but never letting anyone or anything control and manipulate me. 

 Though I still have no exact plans on what should I do throughout the year, I already know what I want to accomplish and I am keeping it all to myself because I prefer to do all things in silence to avoid the so called 'evil eye'. This year also, I am avoiding toxic people that drains my energy and wastes my precious time. I will just spend it with those who are worth spending for. And I will keep my mind off from negative energy so that I can see only the good things in all I do. 

 I may not be so sure of what might happen this 2025, I am putting my trust and faith in God because I believe that HIS plans are always greater than mine. Therefore I conclude that my new year's resolution is all about changing for the better and leaving the negativities that life has offered me the past years. Feliz año nuevo, y'all! ♡


  1. I'm so proud of you!!!! you did a great job. always remember that we're here always for youu. lovelotssss!!

  2. You've gone through a lot , and yet you're striving in every moment. We're so proud of you , Kate!!

  3. It's good to hear that you didn't gave up, keep it up Kate.


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