I cannot remember when was the last time I saw a forest with so much GREEN trees in it, an ocean with PURE BLUE water and a park with NO WIDESPREAD WASTE around. 

It saddens me how our Mother Earth is slowly turning into something terrible and different because of the irresponsible people. Isn't it ironic that we demand a beautiful place to live when in fact we already have it, but we tend to destroy it instead of taking care of it? This is the reason why we experience a lot of natural disasters because we do not know how to protect our nature. 

World Environmental Day is a global platform for raising awareness and taking action on critical environmental issues. It serves as a reminder of our collective responsibility to protect and preserve the planet we call home. It is a day to unite with people around the world and take action to protect and preserve the environment for present and future generations. As we celebrate this special day, I am Kate Angelie Irorita of Ilocos Sur National High School, now ready to make a difference and contribute to save our beloved Mother Earth..

In this generation where technologies are considered to be more important, I am here to show you how fun it is to be a part of a club/youth organization that prioritizes the importance of helping in saving the Earth. 

As a student leader, it is part of our responsibility to lead our fellow students to engage into an environmental activity such as clean-up drives, coastal clean-ups, tree planting, etc, and this picture is just one of our many coordination with the other organizations. These are being held to make sure that our school is always clean and safe to be in. 

Another thing is turning recyclable materials into something new and usable. Just like what we did in our project for intallation arts in MAPEH. We used plastic bottles and unused wheels as pots for our plants, broken cd's as a butterfly art decoration, chopped trees, and stones from the construction sites, and also wires. This is something fun to do and at the same time it saves up money. 

I also do raising of awareness in a form of class reports whenever there is an opportunity, for example, when our topic is about environment. In this way, I could say that it serves as an extra knowledge to my fellow learners in discovering and digging deeper with the important matters that we should be studying. I know that actions speak louder than words but in order to make it stronger, we should always balance it with words that will give more encouragement to others in joining what you do. 

And lastly, using my social media to persuade others in taking actions to avoid doing trashy things that'll destroy our Earth. This is just an additional way for me to spread awareness because I know for a fact that whatever I say in my reports, whatever I do in the activities I am participating, it will not be enough to reach out for those who still haven't realized the situation we are currently facing right now. 

"Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans." 
- Evo Morales

Let us all unite as one and keep the surroundings clean for a better future ahead. 💚🌿🍃












  1. Your post clearly shows that we must unite as one to keep our environment clean for future ahead. Keep it up!


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