Looking back with my journey, I have realized that I did really well despite the circumstances I have faced. I learned not only the lessons our teachers taught us, but also the things that can help me cope up better in the next quarters. I discovered as well more of my strengths and weaknesses and by these, I can now able to improve and enhance my skills that are related with the activities I am weak at. 

This 1st quarter, I would say it wasn't easy at all. I had a hard time in analyzing and understanding some of our lessons and most of the time I don't know what review method would be effective for me because I am not that good in memorization, especially with the names and years. Moreover, I also struggled in making my blogs because the computers in the ICT room aren't working just like the others. I had a problem as well logging in my account which led me to have a short period of time finishing my outputs. I wasn't able to do it with my phone because whenever I arrive at home, I am really really tired with all the stuffs we are doing in school, so I had no choice but to rush my lackings. In addition, everyday felt like a hectic schedule filled with so many requirements to passed. I was really drained, my mind wasn't able to function really well and sometimes I just sit and stare at my papers — not knowing what to do first. 

These struggles stressed me so much but at the same time it made me more eager to do better next time. I believe that those happened in order for me to have more inspiration, and a reminder to not let negative things be bigger than my dreams. Lately I have been telling myself to not be discouraged, instead, be more motivated so that I could give my very best with my 2nd quarter performance. My mama and papa always told me back then that whatever I may face during the journey, I should embrace all of it because these will serve as a 'lesson learned' that I can use in my next steps, that is why i'm never giving up whatever I have started. 

Moving on, I will excert more effort, work harder, and I will be more passionate with all the things I will be doing. As a promise to myself, I will continue to soar high, aim higher and never let the spirit of a dreamer within me die because this goal isn't only for me but for my family, especially my parents who have given their full support since the beginning. This upcoming 2nd quarter, I will show everyone more of the things I can do and I will be more active. At the end of the day "No sino ti makaanus, isu ti makaturpos". 









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